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2023 New Year’s Resolutions All Car Owners Should Make

02 January 2023

Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot? If so, why not try making some New Year’s resolutions for your car?

It’s time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions for 2023, and if you are a car owner, there are plenty of ways you can make sure your vehicle takes care of you throughout the year.

Whether it’s making sure your vehicle is regularly serviced or maintaining proper tyre pressure, it’s important to take care when driving so that you stay safe and happy on the road.

Learn the Essentials

Knowing how to perform basic car maintenance is essential for all car owners. It can help ensure their safety when driving. For example, being able to change a tyre and jump starting a car are two of the most important skills to possess in case of an emergency.

Beyond preparing for a breakdown, performing these tasks can also save you time and money by preventing you from having to go through multiple road side assistance providers. Additionally, having the knowledge and confidence in knowing how to perform the necessary tasks may prevent feeling stranded or in danger when at risk of a potential breakdown

Check and Change Your Oil

Part of maintaining a healthy vehicle is making sure it is properly lubricated. Get routine oil changes (or change your oil yourself) and check oil levels frequently (every month). Changing oil regularly is vital; otherwise you’re risking permanent damage to your vehicle.

Make 2023 the year you make the habit of checking your oil level frequently. While some people may recommend checking your oil every time you refill the gas tank, once a month will do the trick. Set a reminder on your phone so you never forget this important car maintenance task.

Seasonal Car Checks

Taking preventative action can save car owners a lot of time and resources, as a few small changes during each season can make a huge difference in the long run. Seasonal car checks are one way of helping to keep your car in good condition.

We offer an array of these throughout the year! So keep your eyes peeled for our offers

It’s important to make sure that air-con systems are working efficiently during the hot summer months and that winter tyres are properly inflated during the cold period of the year.

Keep Up-to-Date on Rules and Regulations

Making 2023 the year of effectively navigating roads is a great New Year’s resolution for car owners. Keeping up to date with the Highway Code is a must in this endeavour, as it is constantly adapted to changing circumstances and technology improvements.