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Dale's London Marathon Journey

16 May 2022

Here at Startin Group we are immensely proud to announce that one of our Honda technicians Dale Bozward will be participating in the London Marathon in October, raising money for the fantastic charity St Richard’s Hospice with the aim of raising £2,500. Dale is a well-loved, valued member of our team and is an inspiration for all of us across the business. We’re aiming to give regular updates of his journey leading up to his marathon run in October, so stay tuned with us at Startin to get more insight into his training methods and the charity he’s raising money for, as well as the big event itself. 

Dale began to endure a difficult period couple of years ago, and with the Covid-19 pandemic bringing the world to a standstill, he decided to give running a try in order to help combat the decline in his mental health and wellbeing. This provided him with a buzz that he had never experienced before, and each time he put on his running shoes and stepped out the front door, he had the ambition to go a bit further with each run.  

He was incredibly successful with his efforts, and before he knew it, he was running up to five kilometres each session. This prompted him to join the Black Pear Joggers, a Worcester running club so he could expand his scope, discover new routes and join a community that would provide him with a supportive atmosphere to maximise his enjoyment when running.  

Dale is now running six days a week, frequently taking part in many park runs as well as large scale events in towns and cities all across the UK such as the Great Birmingham Run 10k, often posting very competitive times. He’s also utilising his skillset to inspire the next generation to become physically active by volunteering for Marathon Kids UK, allowing children to unlock their potential, learning grit, determination, and the feeling of pure joy that comes from crushing their goals — mentally as well as physically. 

As Dale approaches the London Marathon in October, he has to alter his training methods appropriately to ensure he remains in peak physical condition and the body can take the stresses of running 26.2 miles. He’s closely following what’s regarded as a ‘marathon plan’, which involves gradually increasing distance increments up to 15 miles, then doing a few weeks of lighter training closer to the event so he doesn’t burn out. Whilst Dale does all of his training in the evening and weekends, he also has to balance working as a technician at our Honda site, and as a group we are giving him great encouragement and the support he needs to maximise his potential. 

However, Dale isn’t just doing this to tick an objective off his bucket list. Dale’s mother has a serious progressive illness, and the wonderful people at St Richard’s Hospice have provided exceptional care, attention and support to his mother and the wider family, whether that is in relation to physical, mental, or spiritual needs. Dale can’t thank St Richard’s Hospice enough for what they have done for his family and other patients in the centre, so he’s going to do all he can to raise as much money as possible for this fantastic charity! 

If you would like to donate to Dale’s cause, you can do so on his JustGiving page with all proceeds going to St Richard’s Hospice. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and keep your eyes peeled on our website to get the latest updates on Dale’s marathon journey! 

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