All of us here at Startin Group Worcestershire understand how important it is to keep your vehicle in pristine condition, however, it's the unfortunate reality that we sometimes get dings, dents and scrapes on our vehicles that are often not out fault! With our state-of-the-art approved Smart Repair Centre located in our Skoda dealership in Worcester, we are in the ideal location to provide you with a professional repair service in-house from a myriad of brands. It's the perfect place to return your vehicle to showroom condition.
We pride ourselves on providing the best service for our customers, and we want to ensure you are fully satisfied with our efforts when you come and use our approved Smart Repair Centre. Rest assured your vehicle is in the most capable hands as all work is conducted by fully-trained brand specialist technicians who use genuine parts and approved materials that produce the best finish on your vehicle. Any repairs conducted on your vehicle at our approved Smart Repair Centre are backed up by a repair authenticity guarantee, so you will have peace of mind that work done on your vehicle has been completed to the highest standard.
Due to the modern engineering equipment and techniques being used, there will be a 'continuous workflow' to maximise efficiency and reduce cycle times, resulting in an increase in productivity and a shoter wait for your vehicle's repair to be completed.
At Startin Group Worcestershire we are very aware of our carbon footprint and environmental impact our business has on the local community and beyond, that's why when designing our approved Smart Repair Centre we wanted to maker it as energy efficient as possible. The modularity design of the approved Smart Repair Centre combines effective use of space with the lowest energy consumption, whilst the LED lighting system combines excellent lighting levels with exceptionally low energy usage. Overall, the electrical energy consumption for the entire facility is less than one conventional combi spraybooth whilst gas consumption is less than 40%.