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Six Tips for Driving in Dusk as Daylight Saving Time Ends

27 October 2023

As autumn descends and clocks go back an hour - daylight becomes scarcer, and can present challenges for drivers in the UK.

With shorter days and the inevitable arrival of dusk during the evening rush hour, it's essential to adapt to the changing conditions to stay safe on the road. In this blog post, we'll provide you with six valuable tips for driving in dusk. 

Check Your Lights

One of the first things you should do is to ensure all your vehicle's lights are in proper working order.

This includes headlights, rear lights, brake lights, and indicators. Check for any burnt-out bulbs and replace them promptly. Proper illumination is crucial to make sure you can see and be seen during the increasingly darker evenings.

Clean Your Windshield and Mirrors

Dusk can be a tricky time to drive due to the low-angle sun, which can create glare and make it challenging to see. To mitigate this issue, ensure your windshield and mirrors are clean, both inside and out.

A dirty windshield can scatter light and worsen the glare, reducing your visibility and reaction time. Regular maintenance will help keep your field of vision clear.

Consider using an anti-glare screen or wearing sunglasses to reduce the intensity of the setting or rising sun during these hours.

Reduce Your Speed

Dusk and dawn are times of the day when wildlife is often more active.

Reduced light levels can make it harder to spot animals that might suddenly dart onto the road. To avoid potential collisions with animals and other unexpected obstacles, reduce your speed during these times. Slower speeds give you more time to react and prevent accidents. You can read more about reaction time and stopping factors HERE.

Additionally, remember to increase your breaking distance from the vehicle in front of you. Reduced visibility means you might need more time to stop safely.

Be Mindful of Pedestrians, Cyclists and Scooters. 

As the daylight fades, pedestrians, cyclists and electric scooter users can become less visible to drivers.

To ensure their safety and yours, be extra vigilant when approaching pedestrian crossings and sharing the road with other forms of transport. Always be prepared to stop or yield right of way when necessary. Using your headlights and indicators appropriately will also help signal your intentions to other road users.

Be Prepared for Changing Weather

Autumn often brings unpredictable weather, including rain, fog, mist and ice. These weather conditions can significantly reduce visibility, especially in the dark. 

Drive cautiously, and consider postponing your journey if conditions become too hazardous.

Beware of Glare

As the sun sets, you may encounter glare from other vehicles' headlights. Use your sun visor and adjust your rear-view mirror to reduce the impact of this glare.

Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

Dusk and dawn are transitional times when driving conditions can change rapidly.

It's crucial to stay focused and avoid distractions, such as using your phone or adjusting the radio. The reduced light makes it harder to spot potential hazards, so every second of your attention counts.

As daylight saving time comes to an end and we face the challenge of driving in the dark, it's important to take extra precautions to ensure safety on the road.

Checking your lights, keeping your windshield and mirrors clean, reducing your speed, being mindful of pedestrians and cyclists, and staying focused are key steps to help you navigate these challenging driving conditions.

Remember, safety is paramount. By following these tips and being aware of the unique challenges of driving during dusk, you can ensure a smoother and safer transition into the darker days of winter.

Don't get caught out – drive with care and consideration for yourself and others on the road.


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